Enabling Citizens' Mobility across the EU

Within the Digital Europe for All (DE4A) program, the Moving Abroad pilot aims to reduce the administrative burden of moving to another European Member State. With the new Service, information is re-used cross-border which reduces the time to register. The entire preparation process is fully online and secure, using the authentication and authorization means of the home-country that are familiar to the citizen.
The advantage is obvious, as the current situation for changing domicile address and requesting civil status certificates to use in another country often takes weeks or months to complete, includes a lot of paperwork, and provides many language barriers. When using the pilot-solution, the effort required to complete the registration is reduced drastically for both the individual and the service provider. So a citizen can apply for a service much easier and the service provider spends less time on administrative issues.
See our Moving Abroad explainer video:
Scope of the pilot
The Moving Abroad pilot supports procedures for individuals that want to change domicile addresses and request certificates that can be used in other processes and services.
The initial scenario involved Slovenian Citizens exchanging Civil certificates with Spain. In March 2023, the following situations were also available for piloting; Domicile Address Change, Certificates (Civil Status, Birth) between Romania, Slovenia, Spain, Portugal and Luxembourg.
Requesting civil status (birth, marriage) evidence is piloted in Q1 2023 between Spain and Slovenia and more countries (Luxembourg, Romania, Portugal) are joining with additional cross-border combinations and use case for registration and de-registration of domicile address.
The pilot is performed by Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Slovenia.
Overview of the process: Request of extract or copy of civil status (Birth and Marriage) certificates
Here, the main steps of the process are briefly summarised:
- The Service start at the citizen folder service in Spain citizen folder service in ES.
- As a citizen you get Information about the preview and the voluntary nature of the service.
- You then Login with your EU wide digital Identity based on the eIDAS regulation and services.
- It redirects you to your home country allowing you to choose your method of authentication.
- From Slovenia you for the pilot have to add your birthday due to the fact that they do not have an approved notified eIDAS service yet.
- Next you get to choose your evidences for preview it can be one or many.
- You get to choose your multiple evidences in this case and this is an update since last year.
- In the pilot production you need to enter the unique identifier this will be prefilled in production.
- Then you select the data from the Data Owner
- And you preview to make sure the info is correct, you also have the possibility to add other information if needed.
- You accept the data as it is correct and shares it with the Data Evaluator country the country you are moving to or who needs you basic certificates for any service in the future.
- It is accepted with 1-30 seconds it usually varies between 3 and 10 seconds but depends on many factors
- It then appears in now in the ES citizen folder and can be read in many languages.
Service guidelines
Guidelines for the service at Spanish SGAD to request birth and marriage certificates :
A video recording of the service can be found below:
Registering a change of address
Main steps for this process are essentially the same as those provided above for 'Request of extract or copy of civil status (Birth and Marriage) certificates' service.
Please see below a video of interaction for Domicile Registration at Spanish Portal being accessed by a Portuguese user that requests Domicile evidence from Portugal for this purpose.