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Doing Business AbRoad Pilot
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About The Pilot

Within the Digital Europe for All (DE4A) program, the Doing Business Abroad pilot aims to reduce the administrative burden of starting and doing business in another European Member State. With the new Once Only Technical System, information about a company is re-used cross-border which reduces the time to register and afterwards request a service in another Member State substantially. The entire process is fully online and secure, using the authentication and authorization means of the home-country that are familiar to the representative of the company.


The advantage is obvious, as the current situation for registering a business in another country often takes days or weeks to complete, includes a lot of paperwork, provides many language barriers and is quite sensitive to errors and mistakes due to risk of incorrect interpretation of information. When using the pilot-solution, the effort required to complete the registration is reduced drastically for both the company and the service provider. So the company can actually apply for a service much faster and the service provider spends less time on administrative issues.

See our DBA explainer video:





Scope of the pilot

The Doing Business Abroad pilot supports procedures for companies that want to apply for an online service in another Member State, as well as keeping the service provider informed on any relevant changes in the company. Examples of services are the enrollment into subsidy programs, acquiring permits, managing import and export certificates, starting a new business or filing tax-returns. The pilot focusses on helping companies registering with the foreign service provider, so they can apply for services like these.

Persons who represent companies in the application-process can use their National eID to log in at the foreign online portal of the service providers in the other Member States. Their mandates to represent the company are being checked online, to ensure that the person is entitled to act on behalf of the company in this process.


Currently, the following situations are available for piloting:


Piloting with real business objectives

A. Registering Romanian or Austrian companies aiming to apply for one of the online services available at the RVO in The Netherlands.


Note that case A will result in a real (legally valid) registration so they can actually apply for the real service from RVO.


Piloting with simulation objectives

B. Registering Austrian, Swedish or Dutch companies, aiming to apply for one of the online services available at the Romanian National Trade Register Office ( in Romania.

C. Registering Romanian, Austrian or Dutch companies aiming to apply for one of the online services from the Swedish Companies Registration Office ( in Sweden.​

D. Registering Romanian, Dutch or Swedish companies aiming to apply for one of the online services available at Unternehmensservice Portal ( in Austria.


Note that cases B, C and D will not result in legally valid registrations but are for learning purposes only, allowing for more companies to contribute to the pilot (even if companies have no real intention to do business in the other countries). Even these cases will be piloted (as much as possible) with real companies, real representatives and real data. For these cases, all data provided during the pilot, will be deleted afterwards.


Registering companies in foreign countries is supported starting early 2022, while keeping information up-to date will be added Q2 2022. The pilot ends in Q3 2022, the lessons learned and conclusions will be made available in Q4 2022.


The pilot is performed by Austria, The Netherlands, Romania and Sweden, which means that these countries support cross-border communication for both company-information and mandates. Companies from these countries that

  • recognize themselves in one of the situations (A, B, C or D) mentioned above

  • are interested in contributing to making doing international business easier

  • are willing to spend approximately 2 hours on applying for one of these online services as well as evaluating their experience afterwards.

can apply for participation in the pilot. Interested? Click here!

More information

Are you interested in this pilot, but not as a participant? Click here for a pilot brochure.

Also, you can find more general information about the DE4A program here:

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Participating Guidelines

If your answer is YES to all of the following questions, you can apply for participation in the pilot and enjoy the fast, online and secure process to register your business in another country!

  • Does your company reside in Sweden, Romania, The Netherlands or Austria?

  • Is your company aiming to apply for a service as described on one of the situations, in 2021 or 2022?

  • Are you willing to help building a solution that makes cross-border business easier?


Companies active in any industry, of any size and of any age are welcome to participate in the pilot. We’d love to learn and build together! Click here to apply.

What does participating mean?

As a participant, you will be using the solution for online authorization and information exchange to register your business in another country (being Austria, The Netherlands, Sweden or Romania). Your user-experience from a business perspective is extremely valuable. All advantages that the pilot should bring forward, should be noticeable from your perspective and help you in every way. Your feedback helps to improve the solution and maximize the advantages and lessons learned in this pilot.

You will be asked to share your findings in interviews and online questionnaires. We will guide you during the pilot, provide clear instructions and we’ll keep the administrative burden low, so you can stay focused on doing business, while still helping out!

Participation instructions


As a participant, you will be provided with more detailed instructions on how to log on to the websites of service providers, and execute the registration procedure. Also, you will get access to the questionnaires to provide feedback. These items will become available in November 2021.


These require passwords. Please obtain them from the pilot administrator.

Frequently Asked Questions 
  • When can I start using any one of the pilots?
    The pilots will be live from October 2021 till April 2023. A phased availability of services is planned where more portals and services will be added, so we recommend that you come back to visit the respective pilot micro-sites to check the new available portals.
  • Are the pilots easy to use and navigate for any user?
    The pilots have been designed and developed in a way that any student can navigate easily.
  • What is the goal of the Studying Abroad pilot?
    The Studying Abroad pilot of the aims at demonstrating in practice the benefits for different European Higher Education Area stakeholders of realizing across borders the principles of once only and digital-by-default.
  • What services does the Studying Abroad Pilot offer to users?
    This pilot offers cross-border services for higher education students. These services include application to higher education studies (1st and 2nd Bologna degree), application for study grants, and diploma recognition.
  • Which countries participate in the Studying Abroad Pilot?
    Portugal, Slovenia, Spain
  • Who can participate in the Studying Abroad pilot?
    At this stage, the pilot is open to the students from University Jaume I in Spain, University of Lisbon in Portugal, and any higher education institution in Slovenia. These are the students whose diplomas are stored at one of the competent authorities involved in DE4A. The participating students must have valid eIDs. The users of the diploma recognition service must also install a DE4A mobile wallet on their Android mobile phones.
  • Where can I get a valid eID?
    Students can use the following valid national eIDs: Portugal: Chave Móvel Digital or Cartão de Cidadão ( Slovenia: SI-PASS or smsPASS ( Spain: Documento Nacional de Identidad electrónico (DNIe)
  • Where can I get a DE4A mobile wallet?
    A DE4A mobile wallet for an Android mobile phone and the installation instructions can be downloaded here.
  • Where can I express my opinion about the pilot?
    There is a simple feedback form on this page. You can use this form to answer questions and comment on the pilot and the services you are using.
  • If I do not agree to send one of the evidences across border, what should I do?
    The evidence being transferred is at the request of the portal you are trying to access. You are still in control of your data. If you don’t agree to send one of the evidences at Preview then uncheck the box authorizing to send this evidence. Or else cancel the transaction.
  • DE4A Pilot Privacy Policy - Details
    The services and applications provided as a part of this pilot have been set up in the context of the DE4A piloting project. Please see this link. This project is funded by the European Commission. It aims to explore ways to implement and provide once-only e-government services, particularly in the context of the Single Digital Gateway. The objective is to ensure that e-government services work more efficiently, securely, and smoothly. ​ ​To see the detailed Privacy Policy see this link. ​
  • DE4A piloting disclaimer for Studying Abroad Pilot
    Legal disclaimer The services and applications provided as a part of this pilot have been set up in the context of the DE4A piloting project ( This project is funded by the European Commission. It aims to explore ways to implement and provide once-only e-government services, particularly in the context of the Single Digital Gateway. The objective is to ensure that e-government services work more efficiently, securely and smoothly. The services and applications are designed to be fully functional and operational, and will produce binding legal effects for you, and for any persons or organisations that that you interact with. Therefore, please use the services and applications only if you indeed aim to complete a legally valid procedure. The services and applications are created with the highest level of diligence, to ensure that they work in a secure and problem free manner. None the less, since they are operated as a part of a pilot, your use of the services and applications is proactively monitored and analysed in order to detect any problems. We may therefore use any contact information you provide to contact you in case of any problems. The pilot projects are principally managed by the organisations identified on the DE4A project page, who will act as data controllers in relation to your data. For any questions in relation to the pilots or to your data, please contact them directly, or alternatively contact the DE4A project via
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